

Every Saturday, you'll get an actionable plan to launch, grow, and monetize your business in less than 4 minutes including full story, TL:DR, and video explaining the content (unreleased anywhere else)

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the frog story

TL;DR How to fix business problems while creating stronger rapport with a team. Framing challenges so they break complexity and you can look at them simply. Removing emotions from decisions so you can solve them logically. Ask yourself, what would it take?; If I had to start over? Video Link: Full-Story Long story short, there's a volcano, James Bond, Sarah Connor, and a small town There's a pretty low-key movie and some of you may not know It's called Dante's Peak That's just extra...

TL;DR: Realigning Your Sales Team's Identity for High Performance Transforming your sales team starts with reshaping their self-perception and breaking limiting beliefs. Here's how to do it: Establish a Clear Vision: Help your team envision the ideal sales identity and traits. Encourage Self-Reflection: Have them assess their current practices and beliefs against this ideal. Foster Identity-Based Habits: Encourage small, consistent actions that reflect the new identity. Reinforce Through...

TL;DR: To become a better leader, especially after past negative experiences or when transitioning from an individual contributor role, ask yourself key questions about your values, handling feedback, strengths and weaknesses, team motivation, conflict resolution, vision communication, decision-making under pressure, and fostering continuous improvement. Reflecting on these areas and seeking to understand and improve them will help you lead with confidence and inspire your team to achieve...